Sunday, January 05, 2014

Local is usually best.

MUG: A 'diner' mug. Probably from China. Heavy, and drinks like all the other diner mugs I have. That's a good thing.

COFFEE: A Colombian Santander from Central Market's in-house roaster. Good stuff. Not over roasted.

NOTES: I bought this mug yesterday morning while meeting up with some fellow MINI drivers for a day's cruise. The shop was aptly-but-oddly named Local Coffee. Aptly, because it's a local company with three locations (we were at the Sonterra store). Oddly, because the coffee they serve is roasted in Dallas (the bagged coffee they sell is Stumptown from Portland). That's not a bad thing, because the coffee was excellent... and the barista made it a point to mention that the coffee isn't "over roasted" (I'm talking to you, Austin).

I sampled their daily drip, and it was the thinnest cup of coffee I have ever been served, even though it was just a sample. Seriously, it looked like tea. I made a puzzled remark, the barista made a mildly condescending remark back, and my visit was about to spiral down when I noticed the array of drip makers at the counter, both Chemex and Clever coffee makers. I looked to the menu and saw "slow drip" coffee as a $2.50 option. The coffee was a Colombian, and I bought it. It was a great cup of coffee (really almost two cups... it came in a 16 ounce leather-thermal-wrapped Mason jar), brewed in a Chemex, and it put the mystery of the coffee-tea behind me.

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