Sunday, November 08, 2015

Turkish Delight? No... and that's a good thing.

MUG: Food-service stoneware, as served at The Leaning Pear in nearby Wimberley. Generic, heavy. Nicely styled and durable. Perfectly suitable.

COFFEE: Redbud Roasters Organic Fair Trade Coffee. No clue as to what the coffee beans are, as the menu simply identifies the roaster. I asked, but the waitress was new and she didn't know It was really quite busy so I didn't want to push her. She said that customers liked it, and commented that it smelled and tasted like Turkish coffee. Of course, that wasn't even close to the reality. It had a slight burned odor, indicating a dark roast, but the brew strength and flavor were standard American drip. It was good enough that I ordered a refill. I wouldn't buy any for home use, though. But for dining al fresco on a cool morning, it was perfectly suitable.

NOTES: This excursion was a Hill-Country drive with the Austin Mini Cooper Car Club

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