Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Heart of Light, heart of darkness.

MUG: Promo mug for LakePointe Church in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Looks like it may have come from Discount Mugs, but who knows. Probably made in China, but no markings. Nice drinker. No dribbles.

COFFEE: Earlywine Breakfast Blend from Independence Coffee Company in Brenham, Texas. They like to use their roaster. They also use names for their coffees like Jet Fuel and Jackhammer. That should tell you something about their roast/flavor profile.

NOTES: The house church I belong to served this. Vacuum-brewed by our pastor (it's his house). The mug is from the church where he was on the staff before moving to Hays County to be a church planter (even if he didn't know it at the time).

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

You can't say you weren't warned.

MUG: Chinese-made mug (imitation Waechtersbach barrel-mug). Decorated by Shutterfly. A good drinker.

COFFEE: As yesterday, I am drinking Afterglow Nicaraguan coffee. It's a light roast, from Summer Moon Coffee. No electricity is used in making this coffee. It's wood-fire roasted in a brick oven, and the roaster barrel is bicycle-powered. Very hip. Good stuff. The Democratic Party in Austin called for a boycott against them because they wouldn't give money to support Planned Parenthood's infanticide business. The Left is good at running protection rackets.

NOTES: This is the Tom R. Moody III Commemorative version. The original sticker that this design is based upon read, "WARNING! You May Have Art In Your Home You Are Unaware Of!" Tom, being slightly pedantic (trained as a lawyer, painter, and art critic), complained of the dangling participle.

Tom, this mug's for you.

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Election Day of the Dead coffee

MUG: Chinese-made Día de Muertos mug made by Holiday Market for H.E.B. Oversized at 14 ounces, this is a novelty-only design. The lip shape turns this mug into a dribble cup. Bad drinker, but displays well with others.

COFFEE: Afterglow Nicaraguan coffee, light roast, from Summer Moon Coffee. No electricity is used in making this coffee. It's wood-fire roasted in a brick oven, and the roaster barrel is bicycle-powered. Very hip. Good stuff.

NOTES: The end is nigh, regardless.