Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Game. Set. Match.

MUG: Spanish Waechtersbach, imprinted for the Art Institute of Chicago. As an artist/art historian friend of mine said (paraphrased), "The thing I like most about Modernism is the artists' signatures."

All the usual stellar attributes of the Waechtersbach cylinder mug... now in stylish black, with red accents.

COFFEE: Las Mingas from Cuvee Coffee. "Milk chocolate aroma, lavender and brown sugar. Creamy body with a whiskey and pear finish. Located in Nariño, a state in western Colombia, the Las Mingas farms sit at about 6500 feet above sea level. These 'fincas' (farms) are only about 3 acres on average, often bounded by steep cliffs and natural waterfalls. The coffee itself is often shade-grown under a natural canopy of plantain, orange, and guamos trees."

Another Caturra coffee from Colombia's Huila region. I like these coffees.
Farm: Las Mingas
Region: Las Platas Huila
Country: Colombia
Varietal: Caturra, Colombia
Altitude: 1900m
Process: Washed
NOTE: I think I now have the complete edition. Red, White, Blue, Grey, and now Black. Am I missing one?

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