Saturday, June 01, 2019

Cats meow, dogs bark. Wake up.

MUG: Chinese-made diner-style mug (the new lighter weight design I've been seeing... cheaper to ship), with a slogan promoting Dos Gatos Kolache Bakery, but no logo interestingly enough. Bonus points.

COFFEE: Katz Coffee medium roast. Over-roasted. Penalty points.

NOTES: Come to Dos Gatos for the excellent Kolaches and Klobasniks. Seriously.

The coffee? Meh. It's not bad.

Dos Gatos is owned (or was started by at least) two sons of the Katz Deli family out of Houston, who were attending school at Texas State. The same Katz family who makes Katz Coffee, and possibly owns Karbach Brewery as well.

'Dos Gatos' is two Katz.

1 comment:

MikeC said...

Sadly, Karbach was bought by AB in 2016.